Saturday 2 February 2008


It's the last weekend before Chinese New Year and there's still much spring cleaning and packing to do!! *Drats!*

My new mantra for now is:

Must reduce the clutter,
Must Reduce the clutter,


I was envying a friend whose company has closed for the CNY festive season since after work last Thursday...until she told me they will get 3 days deducted from their annual leave. It's a compulsory thing, no questions asked, and non-negotiable! that case, it's not enviable at all.

Okie...back to housework. :((

ps: after that last sentence, Coco apparently agreed that I should return to doing my housework, as she promptly stepped over my keyboard and shut down my pc for me. *Hmph!*


Fresh Fry aka 福星 said...

LOL i sometimes think we should never see animals lower than us, humans. 'Cos they can be so astute with our needs + wants when they have no language, culture or history to speak of.

while we human have much to boast

animals 万岁!!

*wide grin*

cat_aunty said...

Oh good job Coco!!!