Wednesday 20 February 2008

Party Kueh Pietee

Cat aunty was right! >_<

We got the kueh piety or pietee on Monday night from Spud's mom. We had it for supper (in addition to the dinner that we already had).


I ate more than the SO because it's not really his favourite food, whereas I like it, whether in the form of pietee or popiah.

Spud's mom also gave us a rather big portion of the stir-fried leek with tau-gua dish (on the left). I found it tasted rather sweet; I think it's cooked that way for the children.

On Tue morning, I had the pietee for breakfast.


On Tuesday evening, I had more of it for dinner... a lot more...

Photobucket a salad (was in the mood for freshness, remember?)


This evening (Wed), I shall eat the rest of the pietee again, together with the rest of the salad from the bag of European Salad maybe something else.

Over-indulgence? Yes, very happily indeed.



cat_aunty said...

Oh thats only had 4 pc only what.....

auntie p said...

Cat aunty, I assure you that I definitely ate more than 4...

We were given about 23 pietee pastry cups, and I ate most of them, with the fillings. :P

cat_aunty said...

Nevermind, vege only what.....!!

EJ. said...

indeed vege only.
but the pietee pastry cups...carbohydrates right?

auntie p said...

Yep, the pietee pastry cups are deep-fried in oil some more.
Also, the vege filling is cooked with quite a bit of oil, salt and I suspect, sugar too (think they like their food sweet).

It's not really that healthy lah.