Wednesday 20 February 2008

Tilapia (fish)

Dear cat aunty, this is the red tilapia aka 尼罗红


Seeing that I was taking a photo of his fish with my HP, the young uncle at "aunty lucy" supermart became curious.

I told him I'm taking it to show a friend, after which, he very kindly fished out one fish from under the layers of shaved ice for me to take a better picture...haha!


It's a popular fish with the Thais.


cat_aunty said...

OOOOOOOOH 尼罗红 I know lah....I wonder if they really originate from Nile??

But how come EJ's one had bits on them and brown? Was it cooked or seasoned?

I find that SG hawkers/ vendors are generally tolerant about photo taking. They won't pose for you, but they won't throw things at you either. I always feel shy and awkward when taking photos of people, because I am not an angmoh touris or ZB journalist....

auntie p said...

I think the one that EJ bought was pre-marinated for cooking at home.

EJ. said...

Got Red Tilapia ah. There is another type of red fish popular in SG, called Ang Golly, for making fishballs.
The tilapia I bought at T&T is already cooked, deep fried and layer with sauce. And it is dark grey before and after cooking.Same species but different colours.

auntie p said...

Ya, Ang Goli is a cheap fish, but lately didn't see it at the supermart. My mom used to cook that fish a lot.