Saturday 19 January 2008

Miscellaneous food and snacks

Some of the foodstuff I'd eaten recently. :)

Fish luncheon meat, anyone?

This Ayam brand product came out just in time during the shortage of the very comforting Maling pork luncheon meat from PRC; comes in original, spicy and black pepper flavour (as shown). It tastes ok lah...that is, after piling on the butter, cucumber and tomatoes in a sandwich!

Taiwanese vegetarian stuff made of mushroom, from this emporium I discovered at People's Park Complex that imports lots of its own Taiwanese foodstuff. It tastes like 肉酱 (meat paste), and great with porridge, though a bit salty.


I've been wondering about the English name of this fruit for ages.

I've seen the supermarts and sellers calling it 太阳瓜 (sun melon?) and honey melon or honey sun melon. They're really good, sweet and crunchy when in season (which this one is not; skin too thick) and cheap too (when in season). It's my 2nd fave fruit after the Hamid melon which we ate in Xinjiang, China (not the unripe, imported ones though).

I bought this pack of crisps at the ozzie section of "Aunty Lucy" mart when it was at the intro price of $2.95, and my, it tastes great! Best of all, it's baked and supposedly low in fat, so I can eat lots of it without feeling guilty (self-consolation only).


I've since bought 2 more packs in different flavours, but they're more pricey than even Kettle's potato chips, at $3.50 for 100g nia. I've to refrain from eating my fave Kettle's chips since I'm on a diet...coz once eat liao, can't stop!


A reprisal of my vegetarian aglio olio pasta...this time with less oil.


My fave Subway "cold cut trio" sandwich...which is great as a diet food dinner.


But I started to feel hungry around bedtime...which is a very dangerous thing...

I always ask for everything from the salad counter, plus extra olives...and usually on oregano parmesan bread, non-toasted please.

Spud's mom had just given me more of her home-baked goodies...will post next time. :)

Oops...there goes my diet!


kuro.shiro.neko said...

i miss maling luncheon meat :(

cat_aunty said...

I was at Subway Westmall the other day, and they ran out of bread!!!!

auntie p said...

ksn: I still have 1 can of Shanghai Maling, perhaps we can eat it when you next have a party at home. ;P

Cat aunty: Waa... like that no need to do any more business?

When they had the Hero meal promotion, there were long Qs during mealtimes...but the deal was very good, and their cookies are yummy too.

kuro.shiro.neko said...

wah! onz you manz...