Sunday 27 January 2008

The festive air of Chinese New Year (2)

Celebrating festive occasions is never complete without food, and there probably isn't more eating and drinking on any festive occasion than CNY!

These are just a teeny, weeny sampling.

Pineapple tarts from the cake shop; got lots of pineapple filling and very little pastry...I like.

Even before CNY starts, we start eating and sampling already. Who can resist those yummy CNY goodies that appears so abundantly during this time? Hehehe!

LCG bak kwa - this is NOT my favourite brand, but my father likes to go and queue up for hours just to buy kilos of burnt bak kwa *roll eyes*

I threw all these burnt bits and pieces away....lousy, lousy, lousy LCG bak kwa!!

It took a lot of resistance so that I could take home less of it...coz still on diet. Actually, my fave bak kwa is the brand with the "Ah Pek" face - Kim Hock Guan.

Pineapple tarts from Spud's mom...hers got more pastry than pineapple filling has a milk powder taste in the pastry.

More yummy goodies from Spud's mom - Kueh Lapis. :)


I have yet to really buy the goodies, and I think it's better not to buy too much, or else we'll end up having to eat them ourselves later or throwing them away.

1 comment:

cat_aunty said...

Hey Spud, can we trade places??