Tuesday 18 March 2008

New fruits - berries

These fresh fruits are new to me - I haven't tried them until recently because they are very expensive and are sold only at the better supermarkets. I chanced upon them at a corporate bazaar/fruit sale that was opened to the public and the stalls were selling them at discounted prices, so chiong ah!

Kiwi berries from NZ


Can just put the whole thing into my mouth, no need to peel!


They're soft and very sweet and don't have that tart / acidic taste at all...yummilicious!


If they were cheaper, I will probably eliminate the normal kiwis from my repetoire. :P

Next, fresh blueberries!


Blueberries are supposed to be high in phyto... something, which are antioxidants...good for keeping the body cells young!

The package says to wash before use, but I couldn't wait to try a few first (without washing)!


These were sweet too and they're still sitting in the fridge, together with the mangoes which I'd bought at the bazaar too, all waiting for me to devour soon!

The next thing I would like to try would be fresh raspberries. I wonder if they're usually sour?


EJ. said...

Here the farms have all the berries except this Kiwi berries.
Will lookout for the import.
Berries are very healthy good snacks, especially blueberries.
Can't wait for the season to be here.

auntie p said...

When will those berries be in season, EJ? Do fresh raspberries taste sour, or sweet? They were being sold at almost S$9 at the supermart...for a small box like the blueberries in the pic!

cat_aunty said...

How about frozen berries?

EJ. said...

Most berries and cherries are in season during late spring and summer,Aunty P. Raspberries are sweet and sour at the same time.
Best eaten with milk.
$9 a box is pretty expensive.

Went blueberries picking at a farm in Richmond (a big island beside Vancouver and location of Vancouver Int airport) when they were here. Picked 1 big ice cream pail. After giving away some of it, still have lots left. I can't remember how much they charged at the farm for a lb of blueberries.

Cat aunty, you meant frozen berries as in frozen veges/peas?
Yes, there are such packages in the supermarket.

EJ. said...

Ommission.should be:
Went blueberries picking at...
with my nieces when they were here.

KXBC said...

1 box of the kiwiberry at Liang Court Meijiya = $5+. Damn expensive. How much did you buy yours for?

Meijiya was also selling around 8 tomatos for $19 and 1 normal size bittergourd for $20. I see until eyes went bonkers. Why so expensive? Eat already can fly ah?

auntie p said...

At those exobitant prices, the veges must have come from Japan. :P

I got the kiwiberries at $4 for about 12 berries. Last week, I saw a box going for $4.10 at "aunty lucy" supermart, but they had only 9 berries inside.

Aunt Lucy is very "clever" in doing this - they think they can make the price look cheaper by reducing the quantity. Just compare their dried cranberries which has the same packaging as C.Storage's (which I had bought from before). In the end, Aunt Lucy's cost more on a per 100g basis. DUHH!