Wednesday 4 June 2008

Pasta & Fish Dinner

I haven't been cooking much for the past couple of months. I used to cook about half the time, but one day I just decided not to waste so much time after work just to cook a dinner for two, which would be devoured within 20 minutes. I would use the time saved to do the relaxing things that I like to do, or exercise at the gym or just do nothing! :))

However, I decided to cook dinner tonight since I am on 2 days' mc for sore eyes. It's extra time given to me by the doctor, or 是 eye bacteria 赐给我的~! Haha! :P

The ingredients for pasta, i.e. whatever that's available at home


Two pieces of salmon which had been sitting in the freezer


Finished product


Looks more like mee goreng...?!?

It was a bit dry, coz I didn't want to dilute the sauce

The extras - grilled salmon on a bed of baby spinach leaves


The SO's TV dinner

Now we're both TOO FULL !!

Now I wonder if I should cook tomorrow??


EJ. said...

This is gourmet fine dinning for the beans too!

cat_aunty said...

Ohhhhh that fish looks delicious!!!!

auntie p said...

The salmon is nice to eat. The SO didn't like to eat fish all the while, until I introduced him to the grilled salmon, then he became a fan.

KXBC said...

You know sometimes they sell some of the belly parts quite cheaply. That is lagi better as the fish oil make it oh so slurpy, that is if you can stand the taste of fish oil.