Sunday 30 December 2007

Yummy hawker food

We were at People's Park area for a bit of shopping yesterday, and ate quite a lot of food...too much, perhaps! In the late-afternoon, I felt hungry (having had only a light lunch) and went to galivant around the hawker centre for food.

The SO wanted to reprise his past yummy experience with the chee cheong fun, but in the end, we choose a new item instead from the same stall, i.e. chee cheong fun maki with zhar2 jiang4! We forgot to take photos of this item but it had bits of carrot and cucumber strips and meat sauce rolled in thin, smooth layers of egg crepe, seaweed and chee cheong fun (steam rice pastry), then cut up to look like rolls of maki. It was yummy, with 6 large rolls at $3.

Later, we also consumed the following:

Amoy Street Fried Oyster (Orh Luah, min.$4 for a tiny plate)

Pot Stickers (Guo Tia, $6 for 12 pcs) and Hot & Sour Soup ($6, enough for two) from Tien Jin Feng Ji

Closed-up of the hot and sour soup which had lots of liao/ingredients

I felt very full after all that binging and right until bedtime. :P


cat_aunty said...

Ohnua was my downfall....a few years ago we had it at Newton, everyone had food poisonings after that....

kuro.shiro.neko said...

i usually shun chinatown (except when foreign friends are in town, bo pian, got to bring them to this tourist place), but your this post makes me wanna go there.

looks really delicious!

EJ. said...

Temptings, temptings, delicious!
These are my temptations treats!

auntie p said...

I'm sure one can get dumplings and hot & sour soup in Chinese restaurants in Canada, but how about Orh Luark? It's seems it's not difficult to prepare OL at home...just need eggs, starch powder, oysters, fish sauce and condiments? Wanna try it, EJ?

This 天津冯记 has 1 restaurant, 1 zhi char stall and 1 dumpling and soup stall at People's Park! My colleague say their food is quite authentic woh, like Ma Po Dou Fu.

EJ. said...

I did tried making orh luark..but..but....
also can't find the fresh small oysters.usually are the bigger ones and they don't really goes very well in it.
Just like Char kway teow are not char kway teow without cockles(impossible to find here).
So convenient in Sg for all these wonderful food.